God is our potter

Isaiah 64:8 says God is our potter and we are God’s clay. Now on earth, there are different types of clay. Not only different colors but textures and types. Some types may be used to make dishes, some are used to make homes, and others have different uses. Since God made earth and He has filled earth with different clays, I can only assume God has different pots of clay to make us humans. I think part of His purpose in doing so is to give each of us unique talents so we are forced to rely on each other. For example, I can’t build a car or wire a building or help a veterinarian with surgery, but I know about computers and databases. God has put very talented people in my life at every stage. I have not always liked every person I have encountered and they certainly may not have liked me. But EVERY person and soul I have encountered has left a mark on me and helped me grow. For those who were like sand paper to my soul, thank you because God placed you in my life to make the biggest changes in me. For those who are closest to my heart, God has lifted me through your love and support. You are the ones who have carried me through to God’s will in my life and all that it entails. Without you, those lessons God gave me through my sandpaper would have been fruitless. Regardless if we are the sandpaper or the one closest to someone’s heart, go and do God’s will and remember I will always be eternally grateful for the blessings God has given me through each of you.

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